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The Story Behind Parinaama

Parinaama was my pen name in 2020 when I started blogging. At that time, it was a mere platform to share my thoughts and a guiding tool for me in my journey of soul searching (during the pandemic lockdown). In March 2020, it was me, my laptop, and Blogger (check out the OG blog). Then I was reached out by a very close cousin brother of mine who was such an avid follower of my blog that he requested to be the editor. Hop, skip, and a jump later, here we are, with our first book (nudge to check it out) and our own website.


All along the way of this 3-years (and counting) travel, I've evolved into a much better person. I love sharing my thoughts, insights, and experiences, with everyone I know - it is one of my ways of connecting with my loved ones. This website is a tool that helps me accomplish that.


There are thousands of miles to cover before I can call myself accomplished but one of my wins so far is this space I've created for my self-expression :)


The Author & The Editor warmly welcome you to our Home!

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© 2023 by Parinaama

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